The White Rooster Premiere
by on January 25, 2011 in featured

With a preview performance in Ottawa followed by three performances at the Smithsonian’s Freer Sackler Gallery in Washington DC in July 2010, TAPESTRY launched The White Rooster.  Based on an original concept and libretto by Stephen Kitsakos, it is about a group of Tibetan nuns who are escaping Tibet when one has been shot by a border guard.  It was written specifically for TAPESTRY, whose specialty, medieval singing, is used strategically by Silver who combines them with 6 Tibetan singing bowls and percussion.   The piece uses several Tibetan mantras, some based on traditional Tibetan melodies.  Tapestry will continue to tour with the piece.  In December 2010 they presented it to packed houses in  Memphis, Portland, and Los Angeles and performances in New York and South America are planned for the next few months.

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